in progress 2016-present
World Building
Maps, taxidermy, collecting, facsimiles, and prepper junkstuff.
Examples shown here are as installed at the Mills College Museum of Art, Oakland, CA, 2017
Installation overview

Meltwater Pulse 1A
Rooster body (taxidermy), pheasant tail, wire, resin, oil paint, wood, steel pipe, black blasting abrasives

(BILONGO LILA projection in background)

World Map Study 1 (N.America/Centroamerica/Sudamerica/Caribe) Pigment print on aluminum, oil paint

Known Knowns, clay and acrylic on poster board, 2017

Veterans of the Psychic Wars, resin,, plexi sheet, 2017

One-winged Angel (Meltwater Pulse 1A_1, 1A_2, 1A_3)
Pheasant wings, rope, metal

Cherry Tree Observation Fee (Holiday in Fukushima)
, Digital desert camo tarp, tape, clay, clay pigment, acrylic paint, paper, frame