Installation view.

City Limits Gallery
9.9.2017 - 10.22.2017
Fr Press Release:
陸奥に みちたるのみか 四方八方に ひびきわたれる 滝桜かな
The weeping cherry
/ fills not just Tohoku
/ but resounds in all directions
-Suetaka Kamo, 1836
The Gentle Voice That Talks To You Won’t Talk Forever, a solo exhibition by artist Sofía Córdova, presents an abstracted view of a near-future Earth in which nature has resisted and survived human intervention.
The work for this exhibition originated from Córdova’s research into the resilience of plants following nuclear events, and in particular, a thousand year old cherry tree close to the Fukushima nuclear spill site in Japan called the Miharu Takizakura. This tree has been the source of human pilgrimage and adoration for hundreds of years. Surviving the aftermath of Fukushima, the tree is relatively unaffected and is projected to thrive despite the presence of radiation.
Córdova’s installation imagines a landscape which has grown immune to human destruction. The exhibition, devoid of human figures and dressed in pink light, features serene sound and video of weeping cherry blossom trees that Córdova shot in South Korea this spring. Resin casts, ceramics, found objects and taxidermy signify possible transformations of natural elements in response to ecological ruin and pollution. Borrowing from the newfound life she believes the spill will lend the Miharu Takizakura, Córdova’s exhibition presents a disjointed, speculative vision of the "natural world" thriving through radiation, blooming more beautifully than ever – with no human eyes to see it.
work in slideshow order :
Dame la mano paloma, para subir a tu nido (Give me your hand, dove, so that I may climb into your nest)
Taxidermy dove, hair dye, column, resin
57 x 13 x 13 inches
Que me dicen que estas sola y a acompañarte he venido (Because They Tell Me You’re Lonely And I’m Here To Keep You Company)
Ceramic dove, pink led, lamp, insulating foil, resin
30.5 x 30 x 27 inches
Nos comió los dulces (She/They Ate our Candy)
Oil paint, wallpaper
37 x 156 inches
Holiday in Fukushima (Cherry Tree Observation Fee) #2
Clay pigment and acrylic on paper, tarp
73.5 x 54 inches
Radiation Cosplay 1 (Seoul Cherry)
Digital video, color
8:24 runtime
A Cast of Thousands (quartz)
Resin, mirrored acrylic
4 x 49 x 9 inches
They Held Dances on the Graves of Those Who Died In The Terror 22 (Seoul Cherry1),
23 (Seoul Cherry2), 26 (Blue Whale)
8mm film, digital video
2:30 runtime
From Known Knowns
Clay pigment and acrylic on paper, wood frame
25 x 21 inches, each
All That She Wants
Original sound composition, chiffon, steel pipe, silk flowers
Dimensions variable
P-p-pink wig, Thick Ass, Give ‘Em Whiplash
Resin, chair legs
27 x 16.5 x 5 inches
From Veterans Of The Psychic Wars
Resin cast coral, mirrored plexi
2 x 10.5 x 10.5 inches